Saturday, February 14, 2009
Look Fun Daddy I am closing this website well not really just there will be no posting until we have 10 followers so Fun Daddy donet post cheats until we have 10 people because whats the point if no one is using them so get 10 people or bye bye Clubpenguin friends.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Puffles Play Today!
Hello, Penguins!! Today is Friday, which means that puffles will start playing with their furniture! Here are some pictures of what puffles can now do with their furniture.
Decorations are also being put up around the island for the upcoming puffle party (Starts February 20.) These are the rooms that are being decorated:
The town is undergoing a lot of construction, and you can even get to the top of the coffee shop and gift shop!
There are more decorations in the plaza as well as the ski village.
The pool in the cave has been drained, and mysterious boxes can be found there and in other various places around the island.
The new puffle furniture catalog is also out!
Click the flower shape to get the gray house.
View it at
Also, the new play is out: Team Red vs. Blue. Click the dodgeball to get the red viking helmet (The blue viking helmet is not in this catalog.)
The catalog can be viewed at
Sorry, the formatting isn't that good. I hope it's not too hard to read. . .
*UPDATE: Club Penguin has made a post about the puffles and their furniture. Here's what Billybob said:
The team's excited because TODAY puffles can finally play with their furniture! You've been suggesting it for a long time, and it's one of the ways we're celebrating puffles this month. Try putting some furniture in your igloo and click your puffle card to ask your puffle to play, sleep, or eat. Puffles have minds of their own, so you might see them using furniture on their own, without you even asking them to! But remember, their health will only increase if you click their puffle cards. We may need to do a few tweaks, so let us know what you discover as your puffles are playing. We can't wait to hear what you think! Some of you have asked where your other pet items have gone (because they're not where they used to be in your inventory). Now only furniture items that puffles can play with are in the pet inventory. Check the other sections of your igloo inventory to find any items that may have moved.
Until then...Waddle on!
Posted by
Fun Daddy104
4:29 AM
puffle furniture,
red vs blue,
Thursday, February 12, 2009
How stages are made
Hello penguins!!
Today, Happy77 interviewed a stage artist to find out how stages are made! Here's what she said:
We get lots of awesome comments from Penguins about productions at the Stage. Since Team Blue and Team Red face off tomorrow, (and since it's always cool to learn new stuff), I thought it'd be groovy-cool to talk to someone who works helping to draw the Stage sets.
Q: Do you just read the Stage scripts after they're written and then draw what you want?
A: We do them together. We draw as the writers are putting in ideas and suggestions.
Q: What's your favorite part of drawing for the stage?
A: Creating a whole tiny world in one room. Sometimes when I get into it, it feels like I'm actually in a fairy tale forest or in an old detective movie. It's so much fun!
Q: Have you ever drawn candy (or food) for any of the stages?
A: Well, I've drawn some alien beverages one time... but I try not to draw too much food, otherwise I'd get hungry!
As always, let us know what you think!!
We get lots of awesome comments from Penguins about productions at the Stage. Since Team Blue and Team Red face off tomorrow, (and since it's always cool to learn new stuff), I thought it'd be groovy-cool to talk to someone who works helping to draw the Stage sets.
Q: Do you just read the Stage scripts after they're written and then draw what you want?
A: We do them together. We draw as the writers are putting in ideas and suggestions.
Q: What's your favorite part of drawing for the stage?
A: Creating a whole tiny world in one room. Sometimes when I get into it, it feels like I'm actually in a fairy tale forest or in an old detective movie. It's so much fun!
Q: Have you ever drawn candy (or food) for any of the stages?
A: Well, I've drawn some alien beverages one time... but I try not to draw too much food, otherwise I'd get hungry!
As always, let us know what you think!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Puffles will play on Friday!!
Hello, penguins!! Billybob says that this Friday, puffles will start playing with their furniture! If you have any puffle furniture, they will be able to interact with it. They will be able to eat, sleep, and play if you have the right furniture, starting on Friday!!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Chat box
Go to this site and you can chat with people about club penguin.
Friday, February 6, 2009
New Banner?
Lar, here is a quick banner that I made for Club Penguin friends.
Here is the newer banner that has what you said you wanted: your penguin on the left, mine on the right, and a red background with an ocean texture. It was kind of hard to get the ocean texture to go with the red, but I did what I could. Tell me if the red needs to be brighter or if you think I should change the color of the text.
A while ago I posted a cometion not the pin one but another one.Anyways here is the winner of it Paul was are winner well done paul.Here are the pictures if you donet now what the comeption was about here. You see paul had to send me a drawing of his clubpenguin pic and I would get it signed by my other CP friends(Also friends in real life).
A disaster
What a weird day on Clubpenguin I hade I was going throug the town with my puffle.Then I relised someone/penguin saying TORNADO COMING GO TO BOILER ROOM. So I did then I remberd my puffle so I ran home got my puffle and back to the boiler room.Then some people were scared and sad.So these 3 clowns came along jugling if you donet belif me then see this pictures.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
How they make items
Hello!! Today Screenhog showed how Club Penguin makes their clothing items. Here's what he said:
Hello Penguins. Screenhog here.
Decide, Design, Draw, 3D... We thought you might want to see how we make an item for Club Penguin:
Step 1: Decide. Usually, items are related to what events are happening that month, or where it will be used (like the costumes in the Costume Trunk).
Step 2: Design it. A rough drawing is made of what we think the item should look like (in this case, a tuba).
Step 3: A final drawing is made. This is a clean-up of the rough drawing, with detail, color, and shading added. The icon is also made (this is the drawing of the item that's in your inventory).
Step 4: The clothing item is then made in 3D.
Finally, it's done! Are there any clothing items that you'd like us to make? Are there any older clothing items that you would like to come back?
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Well done
We need more people.
But wll done Fun Daddy104 who is now a moderate just a few things Fun Daddy104
1.You HAVE TO try getting this website more members.
2.Please donet make moderates I decide them thanks.
We need more people.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Hello!! I have decided to make a mission tutorials post! Here are the mission tutorials I have so far - more tutorials coming soon!!
Mission 1: Case of the Missing Puffles
Mission 2: G's Secret Mission
Mission 3: Case of the Missing Coins
Mission 4: Avalanche Rescue
Mission 5: Secret of the Fur
Mission 6: Questions for a Crab
Mission 7: Clockwork Repairs
More tutorials coming soon!!
New Clothing Catalog Friday
Here's what Billybob had to say about the clothing catalog that's coming out Friday:
On Friday, there will be a brand new Penguin Style catalog in the Gift Shop -- so get ready to update your clothes and wigs! The theme for February is all about getting back to basics. Here are a couple of things that you'll see:
What do you think? We'd love to hear what your all-time favorite clothing items are, so let us know. In other news: Screenhog blogs tomorrow, and if you're interested in seeing how an item in Club Penguin gets made, make sure and check it out. Until then... Waddle on!
- Club Penguin Team
Lime Green Dojo Clean Paint by Letters Book
The new Paint by Letters book, called 'Lime Green Dojo Clean' is now available in the book room! Here's how to find the hidden coins.
After you have finished typing the first page, drag the mop near the top of the screen and it will go outside the dojo. Then mop the screen until you see a coin. Click the coin.
On the second page, there will be a large container of lime green paint. Drag it up and a coin will appear behind it.
On the third page, pick up the blob of paint on the top of the screen (The one that I circled.) Keep shaking it, and it will eventually disappear, leaving a coin behind it.
On the next page, once you have finished typing it, you can move the penguin on the floor around by moving your mouse near him. If you hit him against the far wall, he will float to the ceiling. Then move him to the circled area and a coin will fall from a hole in the ceiling.
On the next page, if you drag the penguin to the side of the screen, parts of the wall and the door will turn green in a certain order. Click those spots in the correct order and the door will open, with a coin behind it.
On the next page, drag the container to the side, and there will be a coin behind it.
On the next page, click the lightbulb and the screen will turn dark. A maze will appear where you have to drag the lightbulb to the other one without touching the walls. There are three levels. Once you have finished the maze, a coin will appear.
On the next page, keep clicking the box until socks start appearing instead of capes. Drag the socks to the penguin's flippers and a coin will become visible behind the penguin's right flipper.
There are no hidden coins on the last page.
At the end, once the coins are added up, you will get 800 coins if you found all of them.
Posted by
Fun Daddy104
11:06 AM
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