Friday, February 6, 2009

This picture is my first CP penguin and coin there hard to get were I live in Ireland.There so rare.My friends were like cool can I have one and I said there rare here sorry.Then I said to them you can get them on LOL its true.


Fun Daddy104 said...

Im from America so theyre easy to get here.

Harley Richardson said...

Oh cool.Can I have a coin code I could send you something from were I live or what ever you want from me.But can u just give me one unused coin code please because I have only one and I unlocked the rong thing by a mistake I need the piano guitar.

Fun Daddy104 said...

Actually, I've been wanting a coin code but I don't want the toy that it comes with so i've been trying to win one or something. If you really want one, then i'll try to win one for you, but I don't really want the toys that come with the codes. If I manage to get my hands on a code then i'll Email it to you.

Harley Richardson said...

Well emm...You need to get the toy for the coin code.